Crop Hunger Walk

The 49th Annual Greater Bridgeport CROP Hunger Walk and Food Drive took place May 6th & 7th 2023

Many thanks to those who participated in and brought donations to our food drive. A big shout out to Linda L. who organized the event. Our pantry shelves are now filled, but please know that this is an ongoing need.

Our Blessing Box has seen lots of use and is one way our church reaches out to the community. Your gifts make a difference, as one gentleman told us as he thanked us for what we’re doing

Thank you all for your generous donations to this year’s CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, May 7th, we have collected $569, surpassing this year’s goal of $500. Your financial support, along with your prayers allow us to help those in need, both locally – by funding food banks in our area and globally – by funding various anti-poverty projects throughout the world.